The Art Loft Blog

Welcome to The Art Loft Blog! This section has blogs about art, helpful tips, ideas, and experiences as an artist.

5 Things You Can Do To Combat Art Block

Beginning this blog, I had to think of things that all artists can relate to or might need help with. It's not always easy being an artists and art block is one of the many things that can get in your way. Many tips and tricks exist to counteract this all but common issue, but these are my Top five ways on how to combat art block. 

1. Draw What You Like

Sometimes art block occurs when you are uninspired or lack the excitement and motivation to draw. What I have found is that using the things you like can quite literally pull you out of art block. I had been in art block for months on end and only made drawings occasionally so that content was being pumped out. I like drawing, but sometimes it can feel like a chore and induce immense art block. It's not the best idea to force yourself to draw things you're not even excited to draw and can even make the art block last longer. 

Up until recently I was not motivated or focused enough to draw anything, but then one day I went...

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